Internet Of Things Lab

The RVR & JC College of Engineering has commissioned the Internet of Things lab in the Cyber Block at estimated cost of Rs. 8 lakhs towards procurement of 58 kits, which are sufficient for entire section of students in single session.

Internet of Things is a technological revolution which is totally a dynamic in nature. It has been converging multiple technologies creating new dimension of services that improves the quality of life of consumers and productivity of enterprises.

The objective of IoT lab is two-fold:
  • Hands on experience to students (through student projects) in the field of IoT based application development
  • Focus on research design and development of IoT enabled technologies which are cost effective and socially relevant.

The IoT lab is equipped with Raspberry Pis and Arduinos and corresponding shields and Modules. Lot many sensors in the lab to explore myriad of applications.

"Smart" objects play a key role in the IoT vision, since embedded communication and information technology have the potential to revolutionize the utility of these objects. To this end, the Laboratory is equipped with devices for the monitoring of energy consumption, sensors for the monitoring of environmental parameters (temperature, humidity and presence), multimedia sensors (smart camera).

The IoT Lab is used for the following purposes at present:
  • The IOT Lab is fully functioned lab for UG and PG covering :
  1. For Under Graduate Students: CS454-IoT Lab (R16), CS315(PE-R18)
  2. For Post Graduate Students: CS562 IoT Lab(R17)
  • Science Fares/Technical Fares.
  • Hackathons/Toycathon.

Hardware Configuration:
  • Raspberry Pi -58 No
  • Arduino Uno -58.
  • Motors DC,Servo-58
  • Sensors like IR,DHT11,PIR,Ultra Sonic,Gyro,Gas sensors 58 each
Software Configuration:
  • Rasbian OS for Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino IDE for Arduino
IoT Lab Equipment