Dr. B. Vara Prasad Rao

Designation: Professor
Research Interests: Image Processing & Software Reliability
Ph.D , ANU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
M.Tech, ANU Affiliated College, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Date of Birth: 05-12-1979
Date of Joining: 30-06-2006
(as on 09-12-2024)

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Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Date of Publication Status
1 AUTOMATED WEB PAGE LAYOUT DESIGN USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS Dr.B.Varaprasad Rao India 202341025658 A 05/05/2023 Published

Administrative positions held:
  • Convener of Boys Hostel Committee (with effect from 01-09-2008)
Awards Received:
  • IIT Bombay for being a Top Performer in the four week FDP on "Use of ICT for Online and Blended Learning" organized by IIT Bombay during 2 May to 10 July 2016.
  • No. of M.Tech Projects Guided: 14
Member of Committees/Bodies:
  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member of Disciplinary Committee
  • Member of Anti-Ragging Committee
  1. B.Vara Prasada Rao et.al, Modified wild Horse Herd Optimization based Bhattacharyya error constraint (BEC) based L2-norm Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method for the sentiment analysis, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 20 No. 6s, 1162-1174.(Web of Science).
  2. B.Vara Prasada Rao et.al, Improved Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System Approach for Power Flow Analysis in Interconnected DC Microgrid, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 20 No. 6s, 1281-1295.(Web of Science).
  3. B.Vara Prasada Rao et.al, Mordernizing cancer diagnosis with an intelligent model for lung and colon cancer, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 20 No. 6s, 1218-1226.(Web of Science).
  4. B.Vara Prasada Rao, et.al "A Broad Review on Different Imbalanced Dataset Classification Approches" , International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications In Engineering,Vol.11, No.4, 27-40..(SCOPUS Indexed)
  5. B.Vara Prasada Rao, et.al "Exploration Beyond Boundaries: AI-Based Advancements in Rover Robotics for Lunar Missions Space Like Chandrayaan", International Journal ofIntelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering, Vol.11, No.6, 640 to 648..(SCOPUS Indexed)
  6. B.Vara Prasada Rao, et.al "Efficient Machine Learning Model for Clinical Support to Predict Heart Disease" , https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2022.22.6.31, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.6, June 2022.(Web ofScience)
  7. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Srinivasa Rao, E.Ramesh, N.Kiran Kumar, "A Hybrid Group Accepatnce Sampling Plans For Life Tests Based On Half Logistic Distrinution", TQJQI, Vol 12, Issue 7, Jul 2021, 1293-1301.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  8. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao. "Software Quality Control with Linear Failure Rate Distribution Based on NHPP - An Order Statistics Approach" , International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, Volume-02, Issue-10, Oct 2017, PP-11-19.
  9. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao, "Software Reliability Growth Model Based on Linear Failure Rate Distribution", International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering, Volume-3, Issue-9, Sep 2017.
  10. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao, "Truncated Software Reliability Growth Model Based on Linear Failure Rate Model - Release Time Policy",Journal of Safety Engineering 2017, 6(1): pp. 1-7.
  11. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao, "Software Quality Control Truncated Time with Linear Failure Rate Distribution based on NHPP",International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume-154, Issue-2, Nov 2016.
  12. B.Vara Prasad Rao, Hanumantha Rao M, "A Method for Domain Specific Search by Using Ranking based Adaptation Model", International Journal of advances in Soft Computing Technology", Volume-3, Issue-2, JuL-Dec 2013.
  13. B.Vara Prasad Rao, K.Gangadhara Rao, "Inverse Rayleigh Software Reliability Growth Model", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume-75, Issue-6, Aug 2013.
  14. B.Vara Prasad Rao, M.Sreelatha, "Selecting Optimal Weighted Medoids for Clustering" in CIIT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, Volume-3, Issue-14, Oct 2011, pp.30-34.
  15. B.Srinivasa Rao, B.Vara Prasad Rao, R.R.L.Kantam, "Software reliability growth model based on half logistic distribution" International Journal of testing and evaluation, Volume-39, Issue-6, Aug 2011.(Web of Science)
  1. B.Vara Prasad Rao, Dr. K.Gangadhar, "Inverse Reyleigh Distribution Growth Model for Software Reliability", Conducted by A.P Science Congress, Nov-2012.
STTPs/FDPs Attended.

NPTEL Certification Courses Done:
  1. Completed 12 week course on "Artificial Intelligence - Search methods" during July - October, 2019.
  2. Completed 12 week course on "Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" during Jan-April, 2020.
Details of Funded Projects
  • Fund sanctioned by Thinkwright Learning Services Pvt.Ltd.,Bangalore on "Tree Counting from Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Convolution Neural Network Model".

Membership of Professional bodies:
  • Member, International Association of Engineers
Contact Details:
EMail: bvpr @ rvrjc.ac.in, boyapativaraprasad@gmail.com
Phones: +91 9491073317 Ext. 313