Dr. M.Sreelatha
Designation: Professor & HoD CSE.
Research Interests:Data Mining & Security
Ph.D(Compter Science & Systems Engineering), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
M.Tech (Compter Science & Engineering), NIT, Warangal.
B.Tech(Compter Science & Engineering), NU.
Date of Joining: 09-08-1995
(as on 13-10-2024)
Grants Received
Sl. No. | Activity Details | Funding Agency | Grant Amount | Status |
1 | MODROBS-Modarization of Machine Learning Lab | AICTE | Rs. 11,56,863/- | Ongoing |
2 | STTP on Multicore Architectures and Programming | AICTE | Rs. 2,58,000/- | Completed |
Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. | Patent Title | Applicant's/ Inventor's Name |
Country Name | Patent Application No. | Date of Publication | Status |
1 | AUTOMATED WEB PAGE LAYOUT DESIGN USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS | Dr. M.Sreelatha | India | 202341025658 | 05/05/2023 | Published |
2 | METHOD FOR PROVIDING AN INTELLIGENT INTERNET-OF-THINGS (IOT) BASED SMART HOME MONITORING SYSTEM | Dr. M.Sreelatha | India | 202141056678 | 10/12/2021 | Published | 3 | A NOVEL APPROACH FOR COMPLAINT PRIORITIZATION USING DEEP LEARNING | Dr. M.Sreelatha | India | 202041050684 | 04-12-2020 | Published |
Research Experience:
No. of PhD's Awarded : 2
- G.Veeraju, Assistant professor of GMRIT, Rajam, was Awarded PhD thesis on "Efficient Multi Keyword search over Encrypted cloud data" during May, 2019.
- Anu Priya K, Associate professor of LBRCE, Mylavaram was Awarded PhD thesis on "Three Tier Architecture To Select CSP through Cloud service Broker in Multi Cloud Environment" during October, 2019.
- Head of Computer Science & Engineering.
- Convener - Lady Advisory Committee.
- Member of Board of Studies, Departments of Data Science & Cyber Security, Bapatla Engineering College.
Formal Languages & Automata Theory, Compiler Design, Computer Networks, Cryptography & Network Security, Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Big Data Analytics, Python ,Artificial Intiligence, Information Retrieval.
- Convener, Web-Portal Maintenance Committee, RVR&JCCE
- Chairman, Board of Studies, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Chairman, Department Advisory Board(DAB), CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Chairman, Program Assessment Committee(PAC), CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Chairman, Department Development Committee(DDC), CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Jasti, V. , Sreelatha, M.,Vani, K" Land Cover Change Detection Based on Lenet-5 by Using Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images. IETE Journal of Research 2023. 1-13. 10.1080/03772063.2023.2266440..(SCI Journal)
- Prasad, J , Sreelatha, Moturi,SuvarnaVani, K" Semantic land cover change detection using harDNet and dual path coronet. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2023. 44. 7857-7875. 10.1080/01431161.2023.2288946(SCI Journal)
- J.V.D. Prasad, M. Sreelatha,K. SuvarnaVani," V-BANet: Land cover change detection using effective deep learning technique, Ecological Informatics, Volume 75, 2023, 102019,ISSN 1574-9541, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102019.(SCI Journal)
- JZarapalaSunitha Bai, Sreelatha Malempati," Ensemble Deep Learning (EDL) for Cyber-bullying on Social Media, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 7, 2023(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Karnam Sreenu, Sreelatha Malempati," Hc-Mots: Heuristic Clustering And Multi-Objective Task Scheduling For Cloud Computing Environments, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 2023, 38 (4): 1067-1080 .(SCOPUS Indexed)
- ZarapalaSunitha Bai, Sreelatha Malempati," An Enhanced Text Mining Approach using Ensemble Algorithm for Detecting Cyber Bullying", vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 393-399, 2022., https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I9P240.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Bai, Z.S., Malempati, S," An ensemble approach for cyber bullying: Text messages and images. Revue d'IntelligenceArtificielle, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 179-184,2023. https://doi.org/10.18280/ria.370122(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Veeraju Gampala, M.Sreelatha,"Early prediction and analysis of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak using deep learning technique", Journal of Critical reviews,Vol.7(18),2971-2981,ISSN 2394-5125, Septmenber,2020.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- J V D Prasad, M.Sreelatha, "Improved Fuzzy C Mean and Adaptive Weighted Majority Voting Based Land Cover Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,Vol. 29 No. 06, 2020.
- Venkatesh Yadav, M. Sreelatha, "Classification of Telemarketing Data usingdifferent Classifier Algorithms", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-12, October, 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Aparna Chaparala, Radhika Sajja, K. Karteeka Pavan and M Sreelatha, "Performance Evaluation of Jaya Optimization Technique for the Production Planning in a Dairy Industry", Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Jul 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- J V D Prasad, M.Sreelatha, "Feature Extraction and Clustering Techniques On Remote Sensing Images-A Survey" International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S, Mar 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Veeraju G, M.Sreelatha, "Multi-keyword synonym search over encrypted cloud data using classified category-dictionary and BMIS tree" Int.J.Technology Intelligence and planning,Vol.12,No.3,2019(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd).
- K Sreenu, M.Sreelatha, "MFGMTS: Epsilon Constraint-Based Modified Fractional Grey Wolf Optimizer for Multi-Objective Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing", IETE Journal of Research (IETE), ISSN:0377-2063, Jan 2018.
- K Sreenu, M.Sreelatha, "W-Scheduler: Whale optimization for task scheduling in cloud computing" , in Cluster Computing Journal by Springer Publisher, pp 1-12, ISSN- 1573-7543, Jul 2017.(SCI Journal)
- Anu Priya K,M.Sreelatha, "Cloud Service Broker: Selection Of Providers Using Dtrfv Evaluation" , Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.95,pp-15, ISSN: 1992-8645 , Aug 2017.(Thomson Reuters)
- Veeraju.G, M.Sreelatha "A Study on Privacy Preserving Searching Approaches on Encrypted Data and Open Challenging issues in Cloud Computing" International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security(IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No.2,pp.294-307, ISSN: 1947-5500,Dec 2016.(Thomson Reuters)
- Vaibhav Jain, P. Sai Sathvik, K.Sindhu, M.Sreelatha, "Homogeneous Clustering Based Ensemble Classifier", International Journal of Computer Science Engineering, Vol. 4 No.04, pp 122-127, Jul 2015, ISSN : 2319-7323.
- Ch. Ratna Babu, Dr. M. Sreelatha, K. Praveen Kumar, "Next Generation Eco-System of Big Data", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol 5, Issue 7, pp 36-39, July 2015, ISSN: 2277 128X.
- Veeraju.G, Sreelatha.M, "An Efficient Multi-Keyword Synonym Ranked Query over Encrypted Cloud Data using BMS Tree", International Journal Applied Engineering Research(IJAER), Vol.11, Number 1, pp 738-743, Jan 2016, ISSn 0973-4562. (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Veeraju.G, Sreelatha.M, "Secure Semantic Multi-keyword Synonym Ranked Query over Encrypted Cloud Data", International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol.8, No. 1, pp 98-107, Feb-Mar 2016, p-ISSN 2319-8613.
- Ch.Aparna, M.Sreelatha, Dr. B. Raveendra Babu, "Window Gaussian Kernel Support Vector Machines for Motor Imagery Classification", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ,pp 548-552,Vol. 4 ,Issue 02, Febr 2015, ISSN: 2278-0181.
- M.Sreelatha & M.Srikanth, " a New cryptographic method using shared dictionary", International Journal of information Technology,engineering and sciences, Vol .2,No.1,Jan 2012.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi A.U.College of Engineering, Vizag have published a paper entitled "User Authentication using Native Language Passwords" in International Journal of Network security & its Applications (IJNSA),PP.149-160, Vol.3, No.6, Nov 2011 ,ISSN No:09752307,DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2011.3611.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Modified Schemes for authentication based on shape & text", International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS), Volume 1, Issue 2,April 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, B.Vara Prasad Rao have published a paper entitled "Selecting Optimal Weighted Medoids for Clustering" in CIIT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, pp:30-34,Vol.3, No.14, Oct 2011,DOI: DMKE1020110171
- M.Sreelatha, Sri M.Srikanth have published a paper entitled "Simple Password Protector" International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering in Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology(CIIT),PP:858-861, Vol.3, No.14, Oct 2011,ISSN No: 0974-9683,DOI:DMKE1020110131.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Enhanced Authentication Schemes for Intrusion Prevention using Native Language Passwords", International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Volume 8, Issue 4, Jul 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Grid based approach for data confidentiality", International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), PP: 0975-8887, Volume 25, No.9, and Jul 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "An Ancient Indian Board Game as a Tool for Authentication", International Journal of Network Security and its Applications (IJNSA), Volume 3,No.4,Jul 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Simplified native language passwords for Intrusion Prevention", International Journal of Computer Applications( IJCA), Volume 24 , No 4, Jun 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, M Anirudh, MD Sultan Ahamar, V Manoj Kumar, "Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color &Images", International Journal of Network Security and its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.3, No.3, , DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2011.3308,May 2011.
- S J R K Padminivalli V, M.Sreelatha, "Challenges in IoT Security" in 16th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2019) organized by B.M.S.College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India . during 3rd to 6th Feb 2019.
- M.Sreelatha, "Presented a Paper on "Trasformations in Engineeeing Education-Imparting Future Skills", in International Conference on ICTIEE-AP organized by SRM University and IUCEE, during 15th to 17th Jul, 2018.(Link)
- Anu Priya Koneru, M.Sreelatha, "A Comprehensive Study on Cloud Service Brokering Architecture" in International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) organized by Surya Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, during 18th to 19th Jul 2017.
- Karnam Sreenu, M.Sreelatha, "Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud: A Survey",in International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM),sponsored by IEEE, organized by KalaignarKarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during 3rd to 4th, Mar ,2017.
- Anupriya Koneru, Prof. M.Sreelatha, presented a paper on 'Three Tier Architecture:To Select CSP Through Cloud Service Broker in Multi Cloud Environment' in International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies(ICICT 2016), sponsored by IEEE, organised by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, Inventive Research Organization, India, during 26th to 27th Aug, 2016.
- K.Sindhu, M.Sreelatha, "Feature Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data", A National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science(NCETCS-2015) by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bapatla Engg. College, Bapatla on 1st to 2nd Jul,2015.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "A Well Known Tool Based Graphical Authentication Technique", CCSEA 2011, CS&IT 02, pp.97-104,DOI: 10.5121/csit.2011.1211,Jul 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Intrusion Prevention by Native Language Password Authentication Scheme", International Conference on Network Security & its Applications CNSA, 2011 Springer CCIS 196, pp.239-248.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, "Intrusion Prevention by Image Based Authentication Techniques", IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011, M.I.T, Anna University, Chennai,Jun 2011.
- M.Sreelatha, K.Venkata Ramana,Ch.Sunitha,V.Sushma, "Two level data hiding scheme: Using shape based cryptography and MIB steganography Technique", International Conference on Computer science and Engineering, Vizag, ISBN: 978-93-81693-57-5,Apr 2012.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Srikanth, M.Shashi, "Color coded grid based approach for data confidentiality", National Conference on frontiers of computer Science and Technology, Feb 2012.
- M.Sreelatha, M.Shashi, M Anirudh, MD Sultan Ahamar, V Manoj Kumar, "Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color &Images", International Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science, ICFOCS-2011 organized by Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore at JN Tata Centre, IISc., Bangalore, Aug 2011.
- Internal Resource Person for "Multicore Architecture and Programming", one week AICTE sponsored STTP conducted by department of C.S.E, R.V.R.&J.C. College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, during 26th-31st Aug, 2019.
- Delivered a session talk on "Issues in implementing Engineering program outcomes" organized by APICTIEE Webinar , IUCEE Virtual Academy on 24th Oct 2018.
- Delivered a session talk on "Cyber Security & Cyber Laws" organized by AP HRDA, Bapatla held during 21st-23rd May 2018.
- Delivered a session talk on "Green Computing" organized by department of Chemical engineering, R.V.R & J.C college of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur held during 24th Oct -4th Nov 2017.
- Internal Resource Person for "Business Analytics", one week FDP conducted by Department of C.S.E, R.V.R.&J.C. College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, during 11th-16hMarch, 2017 in association with E& ICT, NIT Warangal.
- Delivered a session talk on "Security Issues in IOT" organized by University College of Engineering & Technology, Acharya Nagarjuna University on 3rd Mar 2016.
- Internal Resource Person for "Web Security", 2-week AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme conducted by Department of C.S.E, R.V.R&J.C.College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, during 17th-29th November, 2008.
Details of Funded Projects
- Fund sanctioned by Stafz IT Services Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore on "An efficient video compression framework using Deep Learning Techniques".
- Dr.Sreelatha M, Anupriya koneru, authored a book entitled "Introduction to Multi Cloud Computing Architecture Concepts" published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020,ISBN:978-6202563567
- Professional Member, ACM India
- Life Member, ISTE
Book Published:
EMail: hodcse [at] rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 301