Smt. Bezawada Manasa
Designation:Assistant Professor
Date of Birth: 27-06-1990
Date of Joining: 02-08-2014
Research Interests:Network Security
Pursuing Ph.D., Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam.
2013 M.Tech(IT), JNTUK Campus, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2011 B.Tech(IT), Vignan's Lara Institute Of Technology And Science, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Qualified in GATE 2018.
Qualified in APSET 2017.
(as on 29-03-2025)
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Sl. No. | Patent Title | Applicant's/ Inventor's Name |
Country Name | Patent Application No. | Date of Publication | Status |
1 | AUTOMATED WEB PAGE LAYOUT DESIGN USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS | B. Manasa | India | 202341025658 | 05/05/2023 | Published |
Subjects handled:
C, C++, Operating Systems, UNIX Programming, Computer Organization, Artificial Intelligence, Database Management Systems,Java, Network Programming, Cyber Security, Cryptography and Network Security, Big Data,
Data Analysis, Neural Networks.
- Member of LA&ICC,External Examination Section,NSS Women's Wing, RVRJCCE.
- SOLOLEARN Online Certification course on "PYTHON3".
- Acted as a Course Coordinator during the one day blended mode workshop on "Linux" conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, on 23 August 2019.
- M.Vasavi, G S Raghavendra, Bezwada Manasa "A survey on the Performance Comparision of Map Reduce Technologies and the Architectural improvement of Spark", IJCSNS Volume 22, Year 2022, Pages 121-126. (Web Of Science)
- Borra. S.R, Manasa. B, Vasantha Rao. B, Anitha. M, Bolla. S "Real And Accurate Speech Enhancement Model For Orthogonal-Daubechies Based Multiresolution Analysis" Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Volume 29, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 161-167. (Scopus Indexed)
- D.N.V.S.L.S. Indira, Jyothi Goddu, Baisani Indraja, Vijaya Madhavi Lakshmi Challa, Bezawada Manasa "A review on fruit recognition and feature evaluation using CNN" Materials today proceedings July, 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Vijaya Madhavi Lakshmi. Challa, Manasa. Bezawada, Anusha. Tenali, "An Image Encryption Approach using Multilayer Crossover and Mutation Procedures", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, pp 376-379, Vol 5, Issue 2, February 2015, ISSN: 2277 128X.
- Attended 4 th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Data Engineering (CCODE-2023) organized by Department of Computer Science, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupathi on 17-18 March, 2023
- Participated UGC sponsored Three days National Workshop on "Data Science Concepts for Business Decision Making" Organized by Department of CSE, Dr. YSR ANU College of Engineering and Technology from 1st April , 2023 to 3rd April, 2023.
- Participated AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Blended/Hybrid FDP on "Data Analysis Tools and Techniques for Text and Speech Analytics" from 2022-11-14-2022-11-19 to 2022-11-21-2022-11-25 at LAKIREDDY BALI REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.
- Participating in SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) NISM (National Institute of Securities Markets) sponsored Investor Awareness Program - Financial Literacy for You (FLY) from 7th October 2021 to 7th July, 2022 (Equivalent to one-week Faculty Development Programme) Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Guntur, A.P.
- Participated AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Internet of Things (IoT)" from 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021 at centre for e governance.
- Participated in One Week National Level Intercollegiate Online Faculty Development Program on "Outcome Based Education and Bloom's Taxonomy organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College (Autonomous), Kolkata in association with ipsr solutions limited 08 November 2021 to 15 November 2021
- Participated in one week AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Science and Machine Learning with Python" from 5th July 2021 to 9th July, 2021.
- Participated in one-month online training program on "Data Science and AI using Python" organized by APSSDC from 21st December, 2020 to 22nd January, 2021.
- Participated in one week AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences" from 19th January, 2021 to 23rd January, 2021.
- Participated in one-week online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence using Python" organized by GMR institute of Technology, Rajam in association with Braino vision from 14th September 2020 to 19th September 2020.
- Successfully completed 60 contact hours FDP on "AI and Deep Learning" held from 1st July 2020 to 28th July 2020 organized by APSSDC.
- Participated in one-week online FDP on "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" organized by Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology 25th to 30th May 2020.
- Participated in one-week online FDP on "Big Data Tools" organized by St. Martin's Engineering College 18th to 23rd May, 2020.
- Participated in one day workshop on "C and C++" held at RVR&JC college of Engineering, organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay on 29th February, 2020.
- One week AICTE sponsored workshop on "Multi-core Architecture" organized by R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering during August 26th to 31st August, 2019.
- One day workshop on "LINUX" conducted by IITB on 23rd August,2019
- A Two day workshop on "Embedded Systems(IoT)" conducted by APSSDC during April 17,2018 to April 19,2018.
- One day workshop on "Database Design and Programming with SQL" conducted by ORACLE Academy during May 8,2017 to May 13,2017.
- Two week workshop on "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process" conducted by IIT Bombay during September 14,2017 to October 12,2017
- Two week workshop on "Foundation Program in ICT for Education" conducted by IIT Bombay during August 3,2017 to September 7,2017.
- One Week Workshop on "Mobile Application Development Using Android" at Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women, Bhimavaram, A.P during 16th to 21th November 2016.
- A Two week ISTE STTP on "Computer Programming" by IIT Bombay in blended mode from July 16, 2015 to December 21, 2015
- A Two week ISTE STTP on "Effective Mentoring Of Online Students in Computer Programming" conducted by IIT Bombay from 5th February 2015 to 15th April 2015.
- A Two day "Induction Training Programme" at R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering during 1st and 2nd May 2015.
- Professional Member, ACM India
- Life Member of IAENG.
Contact Details:
EMail: manasa@
Phones:Ext: 313