Smt. K.Venkata Ramana
Designation:Associate Professor
Research Interests: Computer Networks, Cryptography and Network Security, Wireless Networks.
2017-2018 Registered for Ph.D, ANU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2002-2003 M.Tech, Andhra University, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India.
1997-2001 B.Tech, R.V.R. & J.C. C.E. , Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Date of Joining: 24-07-2008
(as on 09-02-2025)
Sl. No. | Patent Title | Applicant's/ Inventor's Name |
Country Name | Patent Application No. | Date of Publication | Status |
1 | A NOVEL APPROACH FOR COMPLAINT PRIORITIZATION USING DEEP LEARNING. | K.Venkata Ramana | India | 202041050684 | 04-12-2020 | Published | 2 | OPTIMIZING DC SOURCES FOR CASCADE H-BRIDGE TOPOLOGY. | K.Venkata Ramana | India | 202041008711 | 29-02-2020 | Filed | 2 | CONTROL OF CASCADE H-BRIDGE TOPOLOGY OF MULTILEVEL INVERTER USING JAYA ALGORITHM. | K.Venkata Ramana | India | 202041008710 | 29-02-2020 | Filed |
Administrative positions held:
- Convener - SC/ST cell
Cyber Security, Internet of Things, Cryptography and Network Security, Computer Networks, Compiler Design, Computer organization and architecture, Network Programming, Unix Programming, Wireless Networks, Data Communications, Operating Systems, Security in Computing
- Member of Board of Studies, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Member, Program Assessment Committee, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Member, Department Development Committee, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
- Certificate of Excellence for successfully completing the two week FDP on "Foundation Program in ICT for Education" from March 8, 2018 to April 12, 2018 and "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process" from May 3, 2018 to May 30, 2018 conducted by IIT, Bombay for placed amongst the top 320 performers from a total of 1571 certified participants in this FDPs.
- MOOC Silver certificate for completing the course on "Cryptography and Network Security", organized by NPTEL from Jan-Apr 2019 with 76% marks.
- Coordinator for Faculty development program on "Introduction to R Programming" organized by RVR & JC college of engineering in association with ICT academy on 16th -17th august 2017.
- Ch.Bindu Madhavi, K.Venkata Ramana,,"An Intelligent Approach to Credit Card Fraud Detection Using an Optimized Light Gradient Boosting Machine", Journal of Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342, Issue 7, Aug 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- Kuraguntla Radhika, K.Venkata Ramana,, "A novel machine learning method for predicting student performance in a degree program", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 11, Issue 8, August,2020
- K.Venkata Ramana, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu, "Estimating the level of authenticity and revoking misbehaving anonymous users in Cloud using FIS", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29 Issue No.04(2020).(SCOPUS Indexed)
- V.Joshi Manohar, I.Sobha Rani, K.Venkata Ramana, "SHE controlled CHB 7-level Inverter with Equal &Unequal DC sources using C-Genetic Alogorithm" in IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2016) organized by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore and Confy India, during 21- 22 Oct , 2016.
- V.Joshi Manohar, P. Pandarinadh , K. Venkata Ramana, "Low Switching Control of Three phase CHB 7-level Inverter using C-GA Algorithm", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol.7, No.7, pp38-42, ISSN:2229-5918,July 2016.(Thomson Reuters)
- V.Joshi Manohar, M Trinad, K. Venkata Ramana, "Comparative analysis of NR and TBLO algorithms in control of cascaded MLI at low switching frequency", Procedia Computer Science, Vol.85,pp976-986, ISSN:1877-0509,Jan 2016.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- V.Joshi Manohar,K.Venkata Ramana,"A Novel Approach in Control of CMLI at Low Switching Frequency using TLBO Algoritham", Austrain Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol 9, no.36, pp 413-420, Dec, 2015. ISSN-1991-8178.(SCOPUS Indexed)
- K.Venkata Ramana, S.J.R.K.PadminiValli V, V. Vijaya Lakshmi", A Novel Technique for Secure Data Transmission using Distributed Steganography and Cryptographic Techniques", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),pp 642-646 ,Vol. 4 ,Issue 02, February-2015, ISSN: 2278-0181
- K.Venkata Ramana,Ch.Aparna, "Privacy Preservation for Neural Network Training", International Journal of Computer Science engineering and technology, pp 728-733,Vol 5,No.6,June 2014,ISSN:2229-3345
- Smt K.Venkata Ramana,Dr.B.Raveendra Babu, "Rough Set Teory Based Technique for Detection of Anonymous cloud Users without Trusted Third Party", Vol 2, Issue 6, June-2013.
- Smt K.Venkata Ramana,B.Srikanth,"Firewall Policy Anomaly Detection and Resolution Using Rule Based Approach", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol 1,Issue 3,May 2013.
- K.Venkata Ramana, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu, Ch.Ratna Babu "A Randomized Secure Data Hiding Algorithm Using File Hybridization For Information Security" International Journal on computer science and engineering (IJCSE) ,vol3, No 5, ,pp 1878-1889, ISSN 0975-3397,May 2011.
- K.Venkata Ramana, M.Sreelatha, Ch.Sunitha, V.Sushma, "Two level data hiding scheme: Using shape based cryptography and MIB steganography Technique", International Conference on Computer science and Engineering, Vizag, ISBN: 978-93-81693-57-5,April 2012.
- V.Joshi Manohar, K.Venkata Ramana and V.Lakshmi Devi, "Selective Harmonic Elimination Control of CMLI with Unequal DC sources Using NR Algorithm with Random guess", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Modeling & Simulation ICCMS-2017,pp. 367-472,17th -19th May 2017,University of Colombo, Srilanka.
- V.Joshi Manohar, I. Sobha Rani and Ms.K.Venkata Ramana, "SHE Controlled CHB 7-Level Inverter with Equal & Unequal DC sources Using Genetic Algorithm", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2016), pp. 743-748, 21st and 22nd October 2016, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbothore.
- Course on "Cryptography and Network Security", organized by NPTEL from Jan-Apr 2019.
- Course on "Information Security- 5 Secure Systems Engineering", organized by NPTEL in association with AICTE from Jan-Mar 2019.
- Fund sanctioned by Thinkwright Learning Services Pvt.Ltd. on "Tree Counting from Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Convolution Neural Network Model".
- Professional Member, ACM India
- Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
- Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
EMail: kvr@
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 301