Dr. Ch. Aparna

Designation: Professor

Research Interests: Data Warehousing and Data Mining

2014 Ph.D, JNTUH, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2002-2004 M.Tech, Andhra University, Vizag

Date of Joining: 07-06-2004
(as on 31-01-2025)

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Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Date of Publication Status
2 A NOVEL APPROACH FOR COMPLAINT PRIORITIZATION USING DEEP LEARNING. Dr.Aparna Chaparala India 202041050684 04-12-2020 Published

Administrative positions held:
  • Convener - Grievance Redressal Committee
Subjects handled:
    Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures, Data Engineering, Advanced Data Structures.
Awards Received:
  • Received Best Research Paper award for the research paper titled "Performance analysis of different machine learning algorithms for detection of sleepy spindles from EEG signals" presented at ICAKMPET - 19 held at Visakhapatnam during 05 - 06 April, 2019.
  • Awarded Class A and a Cash Prize of Rs.6000/- from IIT Bombay for the performance in Task Based Training(TBT) of e-yantra, ELSI project.
  • Received SAP Award of Excellence and Cash Prize of Rs.5000/- from IIT Bombay for being a Top Performer in the four week FDP on "Use of ICT for Online and Blended Learning" organized by IIT Bombay during 2 May to 10 July 2016.
PhD Guidance:
  • Under Guidance: 7
  • No. of M.Tech Projects Guided: 20
Member of Committees/Bodies:
  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member of Department Advisory Board(DAB), Coordinator of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member, Program Assessment Committee, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member, Academic Audit Council, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member, Department Development Committee, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
Any other distinctions:
  • Among top 1% with a consolidated score of 96% in Database Management System course offered by NPTEL during September, 2019.
  • Received Best Research Paper award for the research paper titled "Performance analysis of different machine learning algorithms for detection of sleepy spindles from EEG signals" presented at ICAKMPET - 19 held at Visakhapatnam during 05 - 06 April, 2019.
  • Awarded Class A and a Cash Prize of Rs.6000/- from IIT Bombay for the performance in Task Based Training(TBT) of e-yantra, ELSI project.
  • Received SAP Award of Excellence and Cash Prize of Rs.5000/- from IIT Bombay for being a Top Performer in the four week FDP on "Use of ICT for Online and Blended Learning" organized by IIT Bombay during 2 May to 10 July 2016.
STTPS/ Workshops/Exhibitions organized: 06.

Research Journals:
  1. Ganji, Venkata Ratnam, Aparna Chaparala, and Radhika Sajja. "Shuffled shepherd political optimization-based deep learning method for credit card fraud detection." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35.10 (2023): e7666.(SCI Indexed)
  2. Chaparala, A., Jain, P. K., Karamti, H., & Karamti, W. (2023). Monitor the Strength Status of Buildings Using Hybrid Machine Learning Technique. IEEE Access, 11, 26441-26458.(SCI Indexed)
  3. Rao, M. V. V., & Chaparala, A. (2022). A novel feature-based SHM assessment and predication approach for robust evaluation of damage data diagnosis systems. Wireless Personal Communications, 124(4), 3387-3411.(SCI Indexed)
  4. N. D. S. S. Kiran Relangi, AparnaChaparala, Radhika Sajja," Identification of Potential Quality of Groundwater Using Improved Fuzzy C Means Clustering Method", Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, Vol. 9, No. 5, October, 2022, pp. 1369-1377, https://doi.org/10.18280/mmep.090527.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  5. N. D. S. S. Kiran Relangi, Aparna Chaparala, Radhika Sajja," Effective Groundwater Quality Classification using Enhanced Whale Optimization Algorithm with Ensemble Classifier", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES) ISSN: 2185-3118, November 4, 2022.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  6. Rao M.V.V, Chaparala. Aparna, "An efficient data mining technique for structural strength monitoring system", Ingeniries des Systems d'Information, Vol. 26(2), 237-243. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  7. Kiran R.N.D.S.S., Chaparala. Aparna, Radhika S, "Classification of groundwater by applying simplified fuzzy adaptive resonance theory", International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 16(2), 167-176,2021. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  8. Kumar M M V M, Ch.Aparna, "A hybrid BFO-FOA based energy efficient cluster head selection in energy harvesting wireless sensor network", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol.25,No.2,2020.DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2020.108892.(Web of Science)
  9. M.Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Ch.Aparna, "A building damage classification framework for feature subset selection using rough set with mutual information", Soli State Technology,Vol.63(2s) ,498.
  10. M.Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Ch.Aparna, "Structural strength monitoring system practices using machine learning", Proceedings of Integrated Intelligence enable networks and computing,Springer,498.
  11. M Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Ch.Aparna,"Analysis of classification technique for Prediction of Damages levels in Building Structures", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 05, (2020), pp. 822-842.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  12. N D S S Kiran Relangi, Ch.Aparna, Radhika Sajja, "Perspectives in Water Quality Assessment", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2S4, July 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  13. Ch.Aparna, Radhika Sajja, K. KarteekaPavan and M .Sreelatha ,"Performance Evaluation of Jaya Optimization Technique for the Production Planning in a Dairy Industry", Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, July 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  14. HemaLatha Goli, Ch.Aparna, "Performance Research on different Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Sleepy Spindles from EEG signals",International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE) Volume-8, Issue- 9S2, July 2019. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  15. Maddali M.V.M. Kumar, Ch.Aparna , "OBC-WOA: Opposition-Based Chaotic Whale Optimization Algorithm for Energy Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.12, No.6, 2019 , pp-249-258, October, 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed) UGC Approved Jounal Web Of Science
  16. Ch.Aparna, S.Radhika, "Optimization Using Evolutionary Metaheuristic Techniques: A Brief Review" Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 15, No 1, pp 44-53, July, 2018, ISSN: 2237-8960.
  17. Ch.Aparna, Dr. M. Sreelatha, Dr. B. Raveendra Babu, "Window Gaussian Kernel Support Vector Machines for Motor Imagery Classification", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ,pp 548-552,Vol. 4 ,Issue 02, February-2015, ISSN: 2278-0181
  18. Ch.Aparna,K.Venkata Ramana, "Privacy Preservation for Neural Network Training", International Journal of Computer Science engineering and technology, pp 728-733,Vol 5,No.6,June 2014,ISSN:2229-3345.
  19. Ch.Aparna,P.Neelima, "Ontologies to improve the Integration of User Knowledge in the Post Mining of Association", International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing Technology,Vol.3,Issue 2, July-December,2013.
  20. Ch.Aparna,S.J.R.K.Padmini Valli V, "Dimensionality Reduction using Clustering for Text Categorization", vol 2, Issue 7, May 2013.
  21. Ch.Aparna,Dr. J.V.R.Murthy , Dr. B.Raveendra Babu, Dr. M.V.P.Chandra Sekhar Rao " A Novel Neural Network Classifier for Brain Computer Interface", International Journal on Computer Engineering and Intellegient Systems, Vol 3, No.3,2012.
  22. Ch.Aparna,Dr. J.V.R.Murthy,Dr. B.Raveendra Babu “Energy Computation for BCI using DCT and moving average window for noise smoothening”, International Journal of computer science engineering and applications Vol 2,No.1, February 2012.
  23. Ch.Aparna, Dr.J.V.R.Murthy, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao, "Reducing Dataset Size in Frequency Domain for Brain Computer Interface Motor Imagery Classification", International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol 2, No.9, 2010. Pg No. 2924-2927
  24. M.V.P.Chandra Sekhar Rao, Ch.Aparna, Dr. B.Raveendra Babu, Dr. A.Damodaram,   “An Improved Multi-perceptron Neural Network Model to classify software defects”, International Journal on Computer Science & Information Security (IJCSIS) ISSN 19475500, Year, Vol.9, Issue: 2, PP: 124-128, February,2011.
  25. Ch.Aparna, Dr J.V.R.Murthy, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhar Rao,  “Energy Computation using DCT for Brain Computer Interface”, International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering Technology  pp17-20, ISSN: 2229-3345, Vol.01, No.1,September 2010.
  26. M.V.P.C. Chandra Sekhar Rao, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu,Dr. A. Damodaram,Smt Ch.Aparna, “ Severity based optimization: A data mining  approach” International Journal on computer science and engineering vol 2 No 05, August 2010.
  1. "System Methodologies", International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI- 2021), Coimbatore,India,Jan.27-29,2021. (DOI:10.1109/ ICCCI50826. 2021.9402640).
  2. "Human emotion detection using convolutional neural network with hyperparameter tuning", Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing.
  3. "Perspectives in Water Quality Assessment: A Review" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (ICAIECES-2019) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulathur during April 11-13th,2019.(Link)
  4. "Performance analysis of different machine learning algorithms for detection of sleepy spindles from EEG signals", International Conference on Advancing Knowledge from Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology at Visakhapatnam during 05 - 06 thApril, 2019(Link)
  5. "Performance Evaluation of Jaya optimization technique for the production planning in a dairy industry" , Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques(AEOTIT) organized by SVNIT, Surat during 3 - 5 August, 2018.
  6. "SEER - An Intelligent Double Tier Fuzzy Framework for the Selection of Cluster Heads Based on Spiritual Energies of Sensor Nodes", 2018 Springer International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore during 26-27th April 2018.
  7. "Dynamic Energy Efficient Distance Aware Protocol for the Cluster Head Selection in the Wireless Sensor Networks", 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2017) organized by Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru during 19-20th May, 2017 in association with IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter.
  8. VMSSS: A proposed Model for Cloud Forensic in Cloud computing using VM Snap Shot Server, 7th International Conference. Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2017 organized by Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar during December 23-24th, 2017.
STTPs/FDPs Attended.

Certification Courses Done:
  • Completed 8 week course on "Database Management Systems" offered by NPTEL during July - September, 2019 and received Elite - Gold award being among the top 1% performers.
  • Completed an online course on "Foundation of Data Structures" offered by IIT Bombay, during 5 April-3 June 2016 and received A grade.
  • Completed and received A+ grade in the course "CS213.2x: Implementation of Data Structures" conducted by IIT Bombay, during 12 July - 2 September 2016.
  • Completed and received A grade in "CS213.3x: Algorithms" conducted by IIT Bombay, during 13 September-4 November 2016.
Expert Lectures Delivered:
  • Delivered a Guest lecture on "Future of STEM - Initiating Entrepreneural Thinking", in a three day DST sponsored "Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp" organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in RVR&JC College of Engineering, under the aegis of National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 12th September, 2019.
  • Delivered a Guest lecture on "Digital Literacy", in a three day DST sponsored "Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp" organized by EMDC in RVR&JC College of Engineering, under the aegis of National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 2nd March, 2019.
  • Delivered a Guest lecture on "Digital Literacy& Business Opportunity Identification", in a four week DST sponsored "Entrepreneurship Development Program" conducted in Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru under the aegis of National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 23rd February 2019.
Membership of Professional bodies:
  • Professional Member, ACM India
  • Member, International Association of Engineers
  • Associate Member, The Institute of Research Engineers and Doctor
Details of Funded Projects
  • Received a funding of Rs.50,000 from RVRJCCE for the research project titled "A comprehensive study and design of human emotion recognition system using deep learning techniques" for academic Year 2019-20.
  • Fund sanctioned by Glocal Technology Solutions, Vijayawada on "An Integrated and Automated Vehicle Management System with the Internet of Things".

Contact Details:
EMail: aparna @ rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 302