Dr. A. Sri Nagesh

Designation: Professor
Research Interests: Image Processing, Computer Vision, Software Engineering, Information Security
Ph.D, JNTUH, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
M.Tech, VIT, TamilNadu, India.
M.B.A, Andhra University, Vizag, India.

Date of Joining: 24-11-2003
(as on 22-02-2025)
Industry Experience: 03 Years 06 months.

vidwan icon SCOPUS icon publons icon
Patents Granted/Published
Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Date of Publication Status
1 FLYING VEHICLE ABETTED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Dr.A.Sri Nagesh Australia 2020102593 11-11-2020 Granted

Administrative positions held:
  • Convener, ISTE, Students Chapter No: 03; from November, 2019 to till date.
  • Convener, ISTE Students Chapter- a National level Professional Society for Engineers from the year 2007 to November 2014.
  • Convener for event TECHNOFIESTA- a National level student paper presentation l event for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 organized by RVR and JC College of Engineering, Guntur.
  • Convener for event COLLOQUY- a National level student technical event for the year 2005,2006,2007,2011,2015,2016 organized by RVR and JC College of Engineering, Guntur.
Subjects handled:
    .NET Technologies, Java, C++, Web Services, Web Technologies, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD), Web Technologies, Image Processing, Database Management Systems, Advanced Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, Cryptography & Network Security, Advance Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things. Multi-Media Systems.
PhD Guidance:
  • Guided: 1
  • Under Guidance: 3
  • No. of M.Tech Projects Guided: 16
Member of Committees/Bodies:
  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of CSE, RVR&JCCE
  • Member, External Examinations, RVR&JCCE from November 2014 to till date
  • Member, Disciplinary Committee, RVR& JCCE from November 2005 to November 2009.
Any other distinctions:
  • MEdHAS Project by NIC in Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences Member in MEdHAS Project in Dr.NTRUHS University.
  • Web Counselling for UG and PG Admissions in Dr.NTRUHS Member in Selecting Software Agency in Web Counselling for 2021 Admissions.
  • Approved guide for Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgavi, Karnataka.
  • Received SAP Award of Excellence and Cash Prize of Rs.5000/- from IIT Bombay for being a Top Performer in the four week FDP on "Use of ICT for Online and Blended Learning" organized by IIT Bombay during 2 May to 10 July 2016.
STTPS/ Workshops/Exhibitions organized: 08.

Research Journals:
  1. K.Arun, Dr.A. Srinagesh, " Preprocessing of Aspect-based "English Telugu Code Mixed Sentiment Analysis " Journal of Information Technology Management" Volume(15) Special Issue: Digital Twin Enabled Neural Networks Architecture Management for Sustainable Computing ' Pages: 150-163, March 2023
  2. Ch R Prakasha Reddy, A Srinagesh "A Novel Method for Human MRI Based Pancreatic Cancer Prediction Using Integration of Harris Hawks Varients & VGG16: A Deep Learning Approach " Journal of Informatica, Volume47, issue 1, October 2022, https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v47i1.4433
  3. Ch R Prakasha Reddy, A Srinagesh "Deep Learning Algorithms to Detect Human Pancreatic Cancer from MRI Scan Images" IJSAE: June 2023
  4. Rohini Kancharapu, Sri Nagesh A Ayyagari " A comparative study on word embedding techniques for suicide prediction on COVID-19 tweets using deep learning models" International Journal of Information Technology, Pages 1-14, Springer Nature Singapore, June 2023 https://doi.org/ 10.22059/jitm.2023.91573
  5. Ch R Prakasha Reddy, A Srinagesh" A Novel Method For Detection Of Human Pancreatic Cancer On MRI Scan Images Using Deep Learning Systems"
  6. A.Srinagesh et. al. "UNDERGROUND WATER PIPELINE LEAKAGE MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT" International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering Volume 9, Issue 6, Link: https://www.ijamtes.org/VOL-9-ISSUE-06-2019-2/
  7. ChKavitha,M.Babu Rao, B. Srikanth, A. Srinivasa Rao, A. Sri Nagesh, K. Kranthi Kumar, "Zero shot image classification system using an optimized generalized adversarial network". Wireless Networks, 21 September 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-022-03166-8.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  8. Dr.A. Srinagesh, Dr. Ch.Sudha Sree , Dr.B.Prasanthi, Sri.P.Rama Krishna, Mr. P. Siva Prasad,"Next Word Prediction In Telugu Sentences Using Recurrent Neural Networks", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 5, July, 2021: 4284-4292.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  9. Y Sangeetha, Sankararao Majji, A.Sri Nagesh, Tulasi Radhika P, Sunanda N, B Rudra Pratap ,"Authentication of Symmetric Cryptosystem using Anti-aging Controller based True Random Number Generator", Applied Nanoscinece, Springer, August, 2021.(Web of Science)
  10. A.Sri Nagesh, K. Arun, "Multilingual twitter sentiment analysis using machine learning", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol.10(6), 5592-6000, Dec 2020.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  11. A.Sri Nagesh, K. Arun, "Forecasting public opinions from twitter data using regression and time series methods", Solid State Technology,Vol.63(4), 6892-6901, Nov-Dec,2020. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  12. K. Arun, A.Sri Nagesh "A Multi-Model And Ai-Based Collegebot Management System (Aicms) For Professional Engineering Colleges" International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ,Volume 8 Issue ,July 2019,Pages 2910-2914.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  13. Karthik Kambhampati, A.Sri Nagesh, "Client Server Communication with Effective Resource Balancing in Cloud Computing using Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019,pp.6498-6402. ISSN: 2277-3878. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  14. Karthik Kambhampati, A.Sri Nagesh, "Deep Reinforcement Based Cloud Resource Allocation Based on Variable Auto Encoder (VAE)", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-8 Issue-5, June 2019, pp. 1497-1501. ISSN: 2249-8958.
  15. Karthik Kambhampati, A.Sri Nagesh, "Prediction of SLA Violation in Cloud Resource Allocation using Machine Learning based Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN)", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-8 June, 2019, pp.2109-2114. ISSN: 2278-3075.
  16. A.Sri Nagesh "A Salient Multi-feature extraction using Enhanced Micro-Structure Descriptor (EMSD) for Image Retrieval" , IJRECE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Volume 6 Issue 2,2018 Pages:1994-1998.
  17. A.Sri Nagesh "Data Mining Techniques For Security Maintenance Using Multi Level Dependency" International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 4, Issue 1, March 2017, pp. 108-112
  18. A.Sri Nagesh "Implementation of Predictive Models and Text Classification on TwitterData" International Journal of Research, Volume 5 Issue 12 Pages 3224-3229.
  19. A.Sri Nagesh "Twitter Sentiment Analysis on Demonetization tweets in India Using R language" International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology 9 International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology Volume 9 Issue 6 PageNo: 119
  20. A.Sri Nagesh,N.Hanumantha Rao, Asst. D. Raj Vikas "A Novel Texture and Sharp Pattern Based Feature Extraction Technique for Image Retrieval in Medical Images" the International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) , Vol.5, No.3, pp.241-250, ISSN : 2278-6856, May-June 2016.(SCOPUS Indexed)
  21. N. Hanumantha Rao, A. Sri Nagesh, P.Rambabu, Dr. G.P. Saradhi Varma,"A New Digital Encryption Scheme: Sub areas Exchange Encryption Approach", International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (IJETST),pp 1829-1835, Vol2, Issue 2,Feb 2015,ISSN: 2348-9480.
  22. A.Sri Nagesh , BRLK Dheeraj , Dr.G.P.Saradhi Varma, "A New Method for Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise through Advanced Decision Based Unsymmetric Median Filter", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT) ,Vol 5, Issue 6, pp.7130 -7135 , ISSN : 0975-9646.
  23. A.Sri Nagesh,Lavanya.Thota,Dr.G.P.Saradhi Verma , Dr A. Govardhan, "User-Based Interaction for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Mining User Navigation Patterns", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA),pp.42-49,vol 4,No.8,August 2013.(Thomson Reuters)
  24. A.Sri Nagesh, K.Aravinda, G.P.Saradhi Varma, A.Govardhan, M.Sree Latha," A Modified shape feature extraction technique for Image Retrieval", International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering, Volume 1,Issue 8,June 2013.
  25. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.G.P.Saradhi Varma, Dr.A.Govardhan, "A Novel Approach for Information Content Retrieval and Analysis of Bio-Images using Data Mining Techniques".International Journal of Computer Science Issues,PP:464-473 Vol9,Issue 6,No.2,November 2012.
  26. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.G.P.Saradhi Varma, Dr.A.Govardhan, "Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering based approach for the effective Quantification and Analysis of cDNA Microarray  Images”, International Journal of Scientific &  Engineering Research (IJSER) PP:1-5Volume 2, Issue 12,December-2011, ISSN : 2229-5518.
  27. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.G.P.Saradhi Varma, Dr.A.Govardhan, Dr.B.RaveendraBabu “An Analysis and  Comparison of Quality Index Using Clustering Techniques for Spot Detection in Noisy Microarray  Images” International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), CSC Journals, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,  pp  504-511, Volume (5): Issue (4): October 2011, ISSN: 1985-2304.
  28. Sri A. Sri Nagesh, Dr.A.Govardhan, Dr.G.S.P.Varma and Dr.G.S.Prasad,“An Automated Histogram Equalized fuzzy clustering based approach for the segmentation of microarray images” ANU Journal of Engineering and Technology, pp.42-48, Vol.2, Issue 2, ISSN: 0976-3414,December 2010.
  29. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.G.P.S.Varma, Dr A Govardhan, “An Improved iterative Watershed and Morphological Transformation Techniques for Segmentation of Microarray Images” , IJCA Special Issue on “Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications” CASCT, Volume 2, 2010.PP 77-87,August 2010.
  1. Rohini Kancharapu, A SriNagesh, M BhanuSridhar," Prediction of Human Suicidal Tendency based on Social Media using Recurrent Neural Networks through LSTM" International Conference on Computing, Communication and Power Technology, (IC3P),2022 doi: ttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9793461
  2. Rohini Kancharapu, A SriNagesh, "Textual Dissection of Live Twitter Reviews on Corona Vaccines Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms" International Conference on Breakthrough in Heuristics And Reciprocation of Advanced Technologies (BHARAT), Pages " 59-64" April 2022
  3. A Novel Block-Cipher Mechanism for Information Security in Cloud System" presented by M.Ramesh, B.Hemanth Kumar, A.Sri Nagesh, 6th IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC 2016) by IEEE COmputer Socity - India Council and SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram on 27th - 28th February 2016.
  4. A.Sri Nagesh Comparison of Clustering techniques by Fuzzy Measures for the Segmentation Of Microarray Images International Conference on Nanoscience Engineering & Advanced Computing (ICNEAC_2011), Swarnandhra college of Engineering & Technology Narsapur,July 2011.
  5. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.A.Govardhan, Dr.G.P.S.Varma  “An Automated Histogram equalized Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Technique approach for the segmentation of Micro Array Images ” International Conference MIPSCCON-2011 organized by GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, pp: 50 – 54,April 2011.
  6. A.Sri Nagesh, G.P. Saradhi Varma, A.Govardhan and B.Raveendra Babu,"An Enhanced Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (ECFMC) Algorithm For Spot Segmentation", International Conference on Signal processing Image Processing Pattern Recognition(SIP)-2011 communications in Computer and Information Science, December 2011 , LNCS Springer, Verilag, PP.320- 327, Vol.260, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27183-0-34.
  7. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr.G.P.S.Varma, Dr.A.Govardhan, “Evaluating the performance of morphology   segmentation on micro array spot images.”, IEEE  Sponsored 2nd international conference on computing communication and networking  technologies, July 2010.
  8. A.Sri Nagesh, Dr. B. Raveendra Babu, “ Using training as a tool of chance for transforming non-intentional entrepreneurs to intentional entrepreneurs” National Conference on  Managing technical education for leveraging Innovation and Entrepreurship   , 39th ISTE Annual convention  at NITK, Surathkal, December 2009.

STTPS/FDPS Attended.

Details of Funded Projects
  • Fund sanctioned by Glocal Technology Solutions, Vijayawada on "An Integrated and Automated Vehicle Management System with the Internet of Things".

Expert Lectures Delivered:
  • Delivered a Guest Lecture on "Artificial Intelligence in Social Networking" Three Day Residential Training Programme on "Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence for different Sectors" (in association with DoPT, GoI) at AP HRDI, Bapatla, Guntur Dist. From 25-27th, February 2019.
  • Delivered a Guest Lecture on "Sentiment Analysis" in FDP "Business Analytics" organized by E&ICT Academy in association with NIT, Warangal and RVR&JCCE, March 2017.
  • Delivered Lecture on Induction Training conducted for Young Faculty 5-6th August 2010 being organized by ISTE Chapter, RVR&JCCE.
Book Chapter: :
  • K.Arun, Dr.A. Srinagesh "Sentiment extraction from English-Telugu code mixed tweets using lexicon-based and machine learning approaches" Machine Learning and Internet of Things for Societal Issues by Springer Nature Singapore, pp:97-107, February 2022
Contact Details:
EMail: srinagesh @ rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 313