Sri. k.Alekhya

Designation: Assistant Professor

M.Tech, Malineni Lakshmaiah Women’s Engineering College, Guntur, India.
M.C.A, J.K.C College, Guntur, India.

Date of Birth: 04/05/1987
Date of Joining: 20/03/2024

(as on 29-03-2025)

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Subjects handled:
    Software Engineering, DBMS, Python
Research Journals:
  • Debunking and Preparing for Graduate School Admissions Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Published in International Journal of Techno Engineering Volume XIII, Issue IV, October 2021, ISSN (print): 2057-5688 copyright to IJTE
FDPs/Workshops Attended:
  • Attended webinar on Machine Learning Through Google Colab on 12th July,2020 which is organized by Amity University.
  • Attended National Level Quiz on IOT And its Applications from 29-06-2020.
  • Attended FDP on Python 3.4.3 & Python DJANGO from 08-06-2020 to 13-06-2020 at CMR Engineering College.
  • Attended FDP on Artificial Intelligencefrom 22nd May to 26th May,2020 organized by Vignana Bharathi Engineering College.
  • Attended FDP on Advanced Python Programingfrom 21stMay,2020 to 25th May,2020 organized by Malineni Lakshmaiah Women’s Engineering College.
  • Attended FDP on Introduction to Data Sciencefrom 18th May to 22nd May,2020 organized by Guntur Engineering College.
  • Attended FDP on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligencefrom 13thNov to 17th Nov 2023 organized by APSSDC in Collaboration with ExcelR Edtech Pvt.Ltd.
Contact Details:
Phones: +08632288201 Ext No:301